Against the Mine

Explore the arguments against construction of the Pebble Mine from environmental, economic, and anthropological perspectives.

Read posts Opposting the Pebble Mine

For the Mine

Examine the potential benefits of the Pebble Mine. Understand the financial incentives for construction, as well as the possible benefits to local people and the economy as a whole.

Read posts Supporting the Pebble Mine

The Debate Continues

Read more about the continued argument over the Pebble Mine. Consider the issue from both sides, and weigh the consequences of every action.

Read posts that discuss threats and opportunities of the Pebble Mine

"Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."

-Native American Proverb

Latest Posts

Fishing for Profit, Fishing as People

In a 2005 letter to then-Governor of Alaska Frank Murkowski, the Alaska Independent Fishermen’s Marketing Association (AIFMA) made the following statement: We urge you to immediately oppose the proposed Pebble Mine and all large-scale mine develop- ment in the Lake Clark, Iliamna-Kvichak, and Nushagak-Mulchatna drainages as an unacceptable threat to Alaska’s Wild Salmon habitat, populations and […]

Temporary Block of Bristol Bay Mining

On March 5, 2014, the EPA used its “veto authority” from Section 404 (c) of the Clean Water Act to temporarily block mining permits. For the past three years, the EPA has been studying the potential impacts of the proposed Pebble Mine on the Bristol Bay ecology, especially the salmon. The EPA released the final […]

Perspectives from the Mining Industry

There is a vast and undisputed mineralogical wealth available in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska. The “Pebble Deposit” exists near the Kvichak and Nushagak Rivers, two of eight primary tributaries feeding the Bristol Bay water supply. The deposits are of gold, copper, and molybdemum, and weigh about 4.1 billion tons. They would likely be mined by […]

The Pebble Mine in Popular Media

The debate over the Pebble Mine has been expanding beyond mining interests, fishermen, and environmentalist. A documentary entitled "Red Gold" was released in 2008, and has received a lot of attention. Although the documentary has performed very well in film festivals, the Pebble Partnership has accused it of misrepresenting facts about the mine. View the teaser for "Red Gold" to the right.