Against the Mine
Explore the arguments against construction of the Pebble Mine from environmental, economic, and anthropological perspectives.
Read posts Opposting the Pebble MineFor the Mine
Examine the potential benefits of the Pebble Mine. Understand the financial incentives for construction, as well as the possible benefits to local people and the economy as a whole.
Read posts Supporting the Pebble MineThe Debate Continues
Read more about the continued argument over the Pebble Mine. Consider the issue from both sides, and weigh the consequences of every action.
Read posts that discuss threats and opportunities of the Pebble Mine"Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."
-Native American Proverb
Latest Posts
Is Aquaculture a worthy alternative for salmon production?
While debating the importance of the Bristol Bay fishery it is critical to consider possible alternatives for salmon production in case something was to go wrong with this mining project and the Bristol Bay fishery is seriously affected. Currently, Bristol Bay supplies nearly half the world’s Sockeye Salmon. However, in the overall salmon market over […]
The Good of Gold
Part of what makes the Pebble Mine debate so interesting is that the mining industry has come head-to-head with the fishing industry. But in other places around the world it is the gold mining industry that has been established. A website called “Goldfacts” is run by the World Gold Council, and shares many of the […]
The Fight Continues
Several weeks ago, the EPA made the rare decision to use their authority and the Clean Water Act to pause permitting for the Pebble Mine and begin the process of permanently halting the construction of the mine. However, Alaskan senator Lisa Murkowski recently cosponsored a senate bill called the “Regulatory Fairness Act”, which would prohibit […]